Monday, August 15, 2005

I nominate as "The most reported-on story that people care the least about" is the war in Israel. NOBODY CARES! With any of my friends, family, aquaintances here in San Francisco, many of whom pay a lot of attention to news and politics, on the rare occasion that the subject comes up, they just roll their eyes and change the subject. If coverage of Israel stopped tomorrow, no one in America would notice. Do Jews control the media that much?

I heard today on PBS Lehrer News that the fighting started in 1948. I thought it was '67 before, but that just underscores the ridiculousness of that country. What a basket case!

The UN created it, the UN should deal with it. In fact, if the UN would like to prove their worth, and they should want to do that given Kosovo, Rwanda, and the Oil-for-food scam, they should send troops and diplomats in and fix the policies and laws there that keep the playing fields unbalanced.